I spent the past week or so on Cape Cod, MA. Cape Cod is a lot like the U.S. Most foreigners think all of the U.S. is paved with gold and every backyard has a swimming pool. While parts of Cape Cod are very nice - Chatham and Wood's Hole come to mind - other parts are rather pedestrian and "strip mall-ish" (e.g. Barnstable/Hyannis/Dennis). That being said, Cape Cod is deceivingly big - or at least it seemed that way to me. There are plenty of places where you can be by yourself or get immersed in crowds - depends on what you want. Luckily, while I was on Cape Cod, the weather was unseasonably cool. There wasn't a day with high temperature over 65F while I was there. The summer crowds were either staying away or the crowds tend to show up later in summer.
My recommendation? If you go to Cape Cod and wish to have solitude - focus on staying in any area in or north of Chatham, on the far eastern part of the Cape.