Meandering thoughts of a native Southern Californian living in central Ohio.
The young lady next to me proceeds to pull out what appears to be some sort of breakfast sandwich with grilled sourdough bread, scrambled eggs, bacon, and cheese. It's something that I would probably never order - ever. But sitting in this cramped space with 150+ other people, smelling her sandwich .... turns out I am hungry. I think.
Something I always struggle with when I book air travel is location of my seat. Sitting in the middle of three seats is never a choice unless I have to (e.g. the flight is full and these are the only type of
seats left). So I choose between aisle and window. I really like looking out the window. But then I'm always panicked about being stuck by the window and having to go to the bathroom - and my seatmate(s) is (are) asleep. If it's a daylight flight that involves over lots of land, I'll choose window almost every time. If the majority of the flight is over water and/or at night, I'll choose aisle. Since I never get to fly to Hawaii as much as I'd like and I pretty much detest "red-eyes," you can guess which type of seat I will always choose.
Now if I can just get my bladder to understand ....
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