I recently purchased a Sansa MP3 player off Ebay to replace the one I left on a plane trip a couple of months ago. I tried to upload some songs to it - and I get "Device full" message. I think to myself - "It must be broken. How can this 8GB player be full already??"
I open up the files via Explorer and, lo and behold, the device is chock full of stuff. Some of it decent and a lot of crap. 8GB worth of this stuff. So now I have to spend my time to delete this crap off the MP3 player. Note that there are some OK songs on the device that I may leave on the device. One might say, "Hey, you got a lot of music for free." True, but music is pretty personal and very individual in terms of "taste." Example: I see a folder for Adam Ant. I recall a few catchy tunes from this cat way back when. I open the Adam Ant folder to see which song(s) is(are) on the device. Turns out it's some song I've never heard of. Crap - so it was deleted.
There are over 250 different musicians/bands on this MP3 player. And I need to review each folder to see whether it's anything I want to keep. This is a major waste of time. One might say, "Well, why don't you just delete everything?" I could - but then I might be deleting a song or two or more that I might actually like. And I'm not one to pass up on free stuff.