I got a call a little over a month ago. I found out my dad died that morning. He had been in marginal health for a couple of years and his mobility had definitely decreased in the past ten years. Although mortality is a fact of life (no pun intended), it is still a shock when it happens to someone you've known all your life.
After returning home, I discovered I had 48 hours to prepare a eulogy. This is what I delivered. I could have gone on and on and made it longer - but keeping in the spirit of my father, I didn't want to make anyone spend any more time in the church than was necessary. (He was a bigger fan of eating breakfast at the local Marie Callender's after mass.)
Some friends and family have requested a copy of the eulogy because they were unable to attend in person. Instead of trying to remember everyone who requested the verbiage, I uploaded it here. Click on this link and you'll be able to read the eulogy I delivered.
P.S. Many people have asked me "Let me know if there is anything I can do." Like I said in the eulogy, my dad wasn't someone who ever asked for help. He was the one who provided help. In light of this, something you can do in his memory is consider making a donation in memory of his name (Raymond Chabot) to the Prostate Cancer Foundation. Click here If you're interested in making a donation.