Monday, March 27, 2006

Dogs playing with dogs

A dog playing with another dog is a blast to watch. Assuming you've got two (or more) well-adjusted non-neurotic and non-aggressive dogs in the play group, inevitably the dogs start running around with each other, teasing and taunting each other and basically goofing off. They are definitely having fun. In addition to boring stuff like the dogs "socializing" and "exercising," the benefits that accrue to the OWNERS of the dogs are simply summarized as ... the dogs in question get DOG TIRED (pun intended) ... so much so that when you get them home, all they want to do is lie around and sleep.

Very cool.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Helmer is a rock star!

Among the most popular web sites for social connections right now are and - this is self-evident for anyone who pays attention to popular culture. (I hear "facebook" used as a verb on a regular basis.) Someone had the brilliant idea to develop a similar site for dogs - it's called - ahh, a great place for dog owners to brag and waste a lot of time. Speaking of wasting time, check out Helmer's site. When you go to his site, give him a bone (upper right corner) - I am not really sure what the purpose is ... but a dog's site can get a lot of bones. They expire after about two weeks - and, again, I'm not sure what the hell the purpose of this virtual bone is ...